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学前教育 2024-09-13 09:38:16 0 教育网



I was a volunteer in the children's program at my local community center when I was a preschooler. It was a great opportunity for me to give back to my community and help make a positive impact on the lives of young children.


I enjoyed spending time with the children and helping them with their games and activities. I would often help set up the activities and encourage the children to participate. I also enjoyed watching them grow and develop new skills, such as counting and reading.

Being a volunteer allowed me to develop my social skills and build meaningful relationships with the children and their families. I also learned the importance of helping others and the satisfaction that comes from making a positive difference in someone's life.

Overall, volunteering as a preschooler was a valuable experience that helped shape me into the person I am today. It taught me the value of giving back and helped me develop important skills that will serve me well in the future.

到幼儿园当一名志愿 之中学生英语作文 I have just finished reading your newspaper,especially the "Wanted"column. Perhaps I am a qualified person for your "Wanted". ...


今天,我和姐姐来比跑步比赛,看谁跑的快. 然后,爸爸说‘‘看谁现跑到松树前,谁就是胜者.’’我们同声说‘‘好.’’爸爸就讲321开始.我们就都向终点跑去,突然我一加速就超过了姐姐了哈哈,看我厉害吧,突然姐姐也在加速了,可是她还是没超过我,哈哈.后来我还是比她快了一步,姐姐说‘‘一菲真棒呀.’’我说‘‘没什么你知要多练就可以了.’’后来我们就高高兴兴的会家了


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